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Katherine Villyard's user avatar
Katherine Villyard
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Atlanta, GA
Can anything be done about mods robo-rejecting edits that are objective improvements?
Yeah, I bitterly missed "too minor" and put it in as a custom comment a couple of times, but there were SO MANY OMG.
2014 Community Moderator Election Results
@MDMarra I know, but it's fair to point that out.
2014 Community Moderator Election Results
@HopelessN00b Fair enough, but I think that the time to raise concerns was during the election itself. Democracy may or may not work, but you still won. Some folks have made it plain that they don't like you and/or disliked your spiel; that's fine. IMHO, it's time for Kyle to take his concerns to you directly, mod to mod, seeing as how you're both the adult supervision now. And frankly, it's different coming from you than it is from another mod. From you, it's charming and humble. :) From another mod, not so much.
2014 Community Moderator Election Results
@KyleBrandt With respect, I think it's time for the parents to stop arguing in front of the children. Stop undercutting the new mod.
2014 Community Moderator Election Results
No offense to teh N00b, whom I like very much, but I suspect that what many perceived/perceive as an outsider coming in and taking potshots at him and his nomination spiel helped his campaign. Opposition tends to cement strongly held opinions and positions, rather than changing them. See Backfire Effect, etc.
Election Voting -- Why can I DOWNVOTE a candidate?
I wish I could downvote one twice. :P
Proposed close reason: Ask your vendor/sysadmin
@JourneymanGeek There was one memorable question that seemed to boil down to, "The people who manage my active directory are completely unavailable, and I have no privileges to change a computer's OU, so to add a computer to the OU it needs to be in I change the name of a computer on my workbench, then give my new computer the same name, stand on my head, cross my fingers, and remove/re-add the machine. Why isn't this working as expected?" Um. (Dude! Sorry your admins are unresponsive, but talk to them, anyway. We can't do anything about that.)
Remove "Professional" close-reason
Thanks, @ChrisS. That makes a lot of sense.
2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire
@AndrewB "this isn't exactly the best way for multiple mods to make their reintroduction" What you said.
Proposed close reason: Ask your vendor/sysadmin
I like it! Definitely an improvement, IMHO.
Remove "Professional" close-reason
added 45 characters in body
Proposed close reason: Ask your vendor/sysadmin
I've used the close -> other form that way, yes. It's up to the community as to whether or not having this would be useful as official verbiage.