I started writing code on a second hand ZX Spectrum before I was 10, then over the years, migrated from the Spectrum to visual-basic on Windows. Though college I picked up turbopascal and delphi; University gave me the chance to work with ada and java, had the time to pick up some c, php, sql, html, css and a few others along the way.
To make a living I am Principal Engineer with Amido, we are relatively small London-based Start-up working on identity and microservices projects for some of the largest companies in the UK. I live and breathe devops which means I am a vocal proponent of best practices for our software development teams focusing on continuous-deployment, Systems Thinking, Reducing Feedback Cycles, configuration-management, infrastructure-as-a-code and Cyber Security.
I have commercial experience with a wide range of technologies from coffeescript to powershell and from c# to html5 in azure, google-cloud-platform and amazon-web-services.
If you think you might recognize my name, then it is likely we have interacted through the atom-editor tag, one of my open source projects or through my time as Lead Developer on EVEMon: A character manager for the MMORPG Game EVE Online. I'm a firm believer in open-source and wherever possible I look to release code under free and open source licenses, you can take a look at some of my work on my GitHub, Amido's GitHub and atom.io.
× 15Apr 30
TeacherJul 29, 2010
AutobiographerJul 25, 2010