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Chris S
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
Voting statistics on serverfault
Er, not "foster confusion" in general, just as to who is a Moderator and who is an Employee... It's a long story involving an employee and a moderator both acting like children, but it's also ancient history at this point too. The data in the dumps has quite a lot of information removed. Most is related to personal information privacy or voting privacy, but other information get caught too (they use a whitelist approach so data doesn't accidentally get let loose).
Could someone let me know the reason for closure of my question?
To be honest the question is borderline off-topic for Server Fault. It shouldn't have been closed though, maybe migrated to Super User. The details of the HTTP and DNS protocols are certainly on-topic here, but I think I would expect someone being paid to manage these systems to know basic details, like that they don't directly interact with each other. Regardless of topicality it is a well written question, so it definitely belongs somewhere, not just closed.
Missing badges?
Note: the Strunk & White and Copy Editor badges get calculated once a day (last I looked this was still the case), so you will not get them immediately after an edit.
Proposed change to Server Fault guidelines
Meant "new version". Fixed.
Proposed change to Server Fault guidelines
It looks like you were also trying to remove the word "home" from the not about section (also, "SU" wasn't mentioned, but was linked there). I'm not sure I agree with that, but I certainly don't care for the way the new version is worded (more words, lost the developer section, less concise). Similarly you "simplified" other not about parts and lost meaning. We could do with condensing some of that, but I'm not crazy about how much you're hacking out after offering "removal of subjective language" as the reasoning (ie, you're changing a lot, not just making it less subjective).
Suggested edits on duplicate tags
In all cases where you see tags that should be merged just drop them in a Question on meta. We'll clean it up. The official method of suggesting tag synonyms doesn't work on a site smaller than Stack Overflow. And there isn't enough volume to bother with it. Thanks!
Mod hammering - to do or not to do
Considering SO is 25x to 75x bigger than SF (by traffic or questions) having a Close Queue that's at least 100x bigger than ours sounds like we're doing a great job of keeping the Queue down.
Remove "Professional" close-reason
Using Shog's "random 40": reopen†, migrated, doesn't have admin†, recommendation, recommendation†, minimal†, minimal†, unclear†, minimal, migrated, unclear†, reopen†, recommendation, recommendation, migrated, minimal, migrate†, reopen†, migrate†, reopen†, migrated, way-off-topic, dupe†, minimal, call vendor†, reopen†, minimal†, minimal†, migrate†, minimal, reopen†, minimal†, reopen†, recommendation, minimal, reopen†, recommendation†, minimal†, minimal†. "†" = Closed for wrong reason - that's 25 of the 40. Exactly 1 could reasonable be "non-professional" of the 18 that were closed as that.
Remove "Professional" close-reason
@ShaneMadden I'd have to look at the numbers to be sure, but my gut reaction is that we don't get enough poor questions to justify the close reason. Also, being homework really doesn't make it automatically off-topic, and I've seen maybe a dozen of them in my 4 years.
Remove "Professional" close-reason
Sorry, but I disagree. If the question is good it shouldn't be close, it should be migrated to where the good question can get good answers. If it's crap to begin with it should be close because it's crap, not because the crap is also off-topic. This rewording has the exact same problem as the original wording.
Remove "Professional" close-reason
@KatherineVillyard Edited Q, but wanted to post a comment to the same effect. Nobody is proposing changing the scope of the site, just the subjective wording. This proposal similarly does not intend to change either the wording or the actual scope of the site, it is merely a reaction to a distinct problem. The problem here is this close reason should almost never be used, but is the close reason 43% of the time, more than any other, and almost more than all others combined. Additionally, it's very difficult to infer a "correct" understanding of this close reason without reading a wall-o-text.
Proposed close reason: Ask your vendor/sysadmin
400 character limit, you're over by 40
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
@strugee WFIW, I've been doing systems administration for 17 years and I'd consider myself intermediate. You are most definitely falling into the Dunning-Kreuger Pit
Remove "Professional" close-reason
If the question is relevant to Development environment then it should be migrated to StackOverflow. If the question is relevant to Home environments then it should be migrated to SuperUser. If it's crap it should be closed as crap.
Remove "Professional" close-reason
added 352 characters in body
2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection
-1 Sorry, but the nomination speeches have been fairly polarizing already and this seems to be asking the candidates to put themselves into buckets of "with us" or "against us".
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
It's been an unwritten rule of the moderators to sort out their issues in their private chat - ie, mommy and daddy don't argue in front of the kids. I think Mark has the right idea, that there are stark differences in ideology and those differences need to be explored, but the surrounding discourse should be civil at all times.
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