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Chris S
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
On migrating to unix-SE
@Tshepang, the explination is there are two different types of questions related to *nix platforms, general usage and system administration. Cross-Posting is discouraged, but a question that is appropriate for both can be posted on either (and is likely to get an adequate response). The Unix & Linux site is more closely related to SuperUser anyway.
Questions belonging to intersection of webmasters.stackexchange and ServerFault
Gigantic +1 for "They define 'webmaster' differently than we do".
Would asterisk questions be welcome here?
@Nifle, questions that are obviously from an end user should be on SuperUser.
Would asterisk questions be welcome here?
@Nifle, If it's from an Admin's prospective then probably yes. If it's from a users' prospective (As Robert Moir pointed out) then no.
Reputation inconsistent across flair themes
it's probably just the SE caching on their end then. It'll update in a few hours or so.
Reputation inconsistent across flair themes
Did you try clearing your local cached files and reloading the page?
Changing the FAQ: Home networks
@John, what's your specific suggestion? Dropping the "and IT pros" altogether? I agree with what you're trying to say, but simplifying it to just "system administrators" seems a bit narrow. Desktop support (help desk) should be welcome here, similarly DBAs, network engineers, etc.
Changing the FAQ: Home networks
too true, but at least we can now say "Please read the FAQ" and it specifically states something about home rigs.
Changing the FAQ: Home networks
I agree with Robert. If I was to run a free service from my home in a manor completely consistent with Enterprise best-practices, I would expect that to belong on SF. Similarly if I was to run a completely unprofessional network consisting of a $20 SOHO router and 3 Win98 machines, asking 'Why FireFox 3.6 Wont Install" I would expect that to be Off-Topic.
What is "Do you haz teh codez"?
+1 for the wikipedia tone.
I've had a fault on my broadband connection (now resolved) and my ISP has posted a diagnostic. Would it be OK to ask what it all means?
@ChrisF, it's still a question from an "End User's point of view", so it definitely belongs on SU. Questions on SF should always come from a SysAdmin's point of view.
How can I accept answers to my questions?
Please try to use proper English when contributing to this site. It's highly unprofessional to use abbreviations like "pls" and "qns", and this site is for professionals only (see the FAQ)
Is there a result of voting up a comment?
Upvoting basically means you agree or significantly approve of the content of a comment. There's no way to disagree with a comment, hence the lack of reputation possibilities attached to comments.
Why limit site to "many desktop PCs" and no mention of laptops?
Because professionals wouldn't split hairs like that.
Can I close my account with all my posts removed?
10k+ users can see everything, even "deleted" posts and all edits.
What's the worst question you've ever seen on
+1 "Spoon-feed-me" questions.. Doesn't the site say something about being for "Professionals"?
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