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Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
9 votes

Posting question and answer for information purposes

9 votes

It's Santa Time!

9 votes

What to do with hard disk lifetime questions?

9 votes

Christmas Hats 2013 Edition!

8 votes

Questions to ask the SE staff regarding the future of ServerFault

8 votes

Do we need a long-form FAQ?

8 votes

Is it possible to reverse an answer accept?

8 votes

Can we black hole the "errors" tag?

8 votes

Why doesn't ServerFault do a better job of finding interesting questions?

8 votes

Answer questions from low reputation users

8 votes

Ephemeral close reason

8 votes

How to deal with "marginal" answers on review?

8 votes

New "Mainframes" Proposal — PASSED

8 votes

Rescind rule on business IT?

8 votes

Edit or post new meta question if again I need help for the same specific question?

7 votes

Why do some moderators consider a Raspberry Pi to be a toy? I have used it many times for business

7 votes

Why is asking for a list of configuration points off-topic?

7 votes

If you don't vote, the site will die

7 votes

How can I improve this question?

7 votes

Bounty removal request

7 votes

Proposed change to Server Fault guidelines, round 2

7 votes

Suggestion: helping amateurs to get their way to SU / unix SE

7 votes

Questions lacking minimal understanding

7 votes

Are we professionals or...?

7 votes

Why was my question regarding premium domains closed?

7 votes

Observation: Up-Voting appears to be more much rare here than on SU

7 votes

Why does laser printer maintainance not fall under the scope of SF?

7 votes

Who chooses the questions for review audit? I failed a highly debatable one

7 votes

Are questions about home server somehow inherently off-topic? If so, why?

7 votes

How to find and clean up bad questions

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