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Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

When are legacy/unsupported systems still on-topic?

3 votes

why my question got closed?

3 votes

In what circumstances should VirtualBox questions be on topic?

3 votes

Question-ban due to unmigrated questions

3 votes

Rejected edit and the importance of being nice

3 votes

Limiting membership

3 votes

"Unclear what you're asking" - Is it?

3 votes

Should ServerFault loosen its tie and start allowing "Shopping" questions?

3 votes

Does the serial down voting algorithm take previous behavior into account?

3 votes

How to contact authors (of questions or answers in serverfault)

3 votes

Is "the OP figured it out to be caused by something singular" a valid close reason?

2 votes

Serverfault mods on a higher horse than stackoverflow (closing questions)

2 votes

Why is the close vote quota so low?

2 votes

"normal" close vote share

2 votes

Why were my questions deleted and account suspended?

2 votes

Can the opening line in the FAQ be updated to match the About page?

2 votes

Choosing the appropriate close reason

2 votes

Go forth and review please

2 votes

When listing Meta Serverfault SE questions -- Wrong author info is being displayed

2 votes

List Questions - What to do with new ones

2 votes

What is our policy on "legacy" off-topic questions?

2 votes

Is it reasonable/possible to further discourage down voting?

2 votes

Open ended homework questions

2 votes

As long-term users mature on the site, do they get less patient?

2 votes

Vote-to-close vs. flagging

2 votes

Userbase has gone up, but participation in the election has gone down?

2 votes

Community Posts for Blog.SF?

2 votes

Should users <3k flag to migrate?

2 votes

Where did all the admins on Server Fault go?

2 votes

Should we try to eliminate password reset questions?

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