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Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

I asked a question for my work. Is this not 'managing information technology systems in a business environment'?

2 votes

I can't ask question in serverfault

2 votes

ChatGPT answers not permitted

2 votes

If this question is off-topic, where is it on-topic?

2 votes

New review option: approve trivial edit?

2 votes

What StackExchange board is best for asking about setting up a linux server for VPN, Jira, GitLab and some VMs?

2 votes

What does the community think about the recent review queue change?

2 votes

Christmas Hats 2014 Edition

2 votes

Upcoming event oddity

2 votes

Need help unlocking a question

2 votes

I am unable to post questions even though I have positive reputation

2 votes

Question is off topic, where to put it or how to improve?

2 votes

Is the serverfault community oriented by profession or knowledge areas?

2 votes

Audit Question: This type of question most appropriately belongs on the Security stack

2 votes

Why I cannot ask question in ServerFault while I have no downvoted questions or issues?

2 votes

Questions about "is this a reasonable practice" and about "home business"

1 vote

1 duplicate and 1 closed question - enough to limit my account from posting?

1 vote

Why this edit was accepted?

1 vote

Mirgration of questions to U&L

1 vote

Why my question is downvoted even with all the required info available in the question?

1 vote

More detail about reasons for question closure, please

1 vote

No limited time between posts

1 vote

Unqualified "professionals"

1 vote

How do I search my comments in SF?

1 vote

Daily Vote Limit Reached at 38 Votes

1 vote

Server Fault Conference

1 vote

Free LOPSA Memberships

1 vote

Can't vote again if previous vote has expired?

1 vote

Guidelines for question migration

1 vote

What times do current moderators, and moderator candidates, generally feel are their most productive on SF?

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