Should Server Fault stop accepting questions from unregistered users?
I haven't "logged into" Stack Exchange in weeks. I'm almost always already logged in and don't have any need to logout. The only time I have to login is when something crazy happens to my browser that invalidates all the cookies. In short, if I need to ask a question, I just ask...
Do we edit self promotion or leave it to be down voted?
I see that hiding in there now. :) But, still, the answer was edited to remove the link. I feel like that should be used for cases where someone demonstrates a pattern of abuse or wrote a really low quality answer and then slaps their link in the post. I don't know this user too well and haven't investigated myself, but I wanted to bring this up because I believe it's important to tell the difference between people trying to promote themselves and people who legitimately want to help others and just happen to have relevant content they've posted elsewhere that they want to add as a reference.
Do we edit self promotion or leave it to be down voted?
Seems a bit overboard to call that one "overt self promotion". The link was quite relevant to the post and added additional information. I believe it was wrong of the community to edit out the second link. It's like we're on a witch hunt for someone who might be self-promoting instead of looking at the content and asking if it's relevant to the post. In my experience, spammers usually don't put time into writing good quality, relevant answers. Maybe it would have been better to edit it and say "see X for more information". That way the question of credit isn't even an issue.