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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
How to get StackOverflow moderators to put hosting questions on Webmasters instead
Are you sure it's the moderators and not the general population that is doing the bulk of the moving?
a moderator closed my question is any one watching.
Immediately below "Closed as not a real question..." it states "It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form." Surely that's got to be a bit of a clue as to why it was closed.
Updated: Does the new-user URL filtering need a better error message on server fault?
@Jeff, I really can't think of any examples just now but I've seen a fair few questions from new members that have more than one URL to external addresses for various reasons. These are questions where the use of the code block would not be relevant. I've edited some of those myself to create a link from the URL. I really wish I could give you an actual example.
Updated: Does the new-user URL filtering need a better error message on server fault?
Very often we see a newbie post a question and place the URL into the body, followed shortly after by someone with more rep needing to go in and create the link for them, just so the questions fits the general style of the site.
Hiding closed questions?
While that sounds reasonable, I don't believe keeping the closed/moved questions visible does anything to prevent others from posting the same or similar question. Remember, these are generally posted by people who couldn't be bothered reading the FAQ or the list of possible duplicates, despite all the prompting, so don't expect them to notice already closed questions. If a question gets moved to a more appropriate site, leaving it listed on the wrong site merely attracts more because it will show up in search engines as being on the original site, so that's where people will go.
a moderator closed my question is any one watching.
@Registered User, please take a few moments to read the FAQ, as others have already suggested.
Random sort for Unanswered questions
@Jordan, I think anything less than 50 points really wouldn't be worth the bother and 50 points bounty generally gets no better answers than no bounty. On the other hand, I'd like to see the maximum set very much higher, say a few thousand or so. Even 500 points often doesn't attract good answers.
Moving questions
I haven't seen the actual question but based on what I read here I do believe you flagged in error. A virus on a server is a sysadmin issue. Sure it involves a security aspect but it won't be a security person who has to clean it up. That's OUR job. Any admin worth their salary should be able to cope with it quite easily as part of their day to day job.
Should my question or the proposal be reopened?
I've read this a few times and the bit I can't understand is why you think the closing of the question and the proposal are somehow linked. They're not. They were closed separately and for different reasons.
Moderator elections bug
That's sad. Very sad.
Moderator elections bug
I'm probably going to regret asking but what are "lulz"? It's clearly not English.
Should my question or the proposal be reopened?
Better yet, go to a a site you think might be appropriate and read the FAQ. Then, based on that information, either post the question or keep looking for the correct place to post it.
Should my question or the proposal be reopened?
This is not the correct place to discuss Area 51. I don't know what is the appropriate area but this is not it.
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