Serverfault currently has one of the worst Question to Accepted Answer ratio. I frequently want to go try spend some time answering old questions. I am making this feature request here, specifically because I think we could use it the most.
The barrier to doing this for me, is that system doesn't have a good way to display a random selection of unanswered questions.
If you click on the Unanswered tab you have these options
- Questions with no answers at all, sorted by question votes
- Questions with no upvoted answers, sorted by question votes
- Questions with no upvoted answers, for your favorite tags, sorted by question votes
- Questions with no upvoted answers, sorted by creation date
I have recently read almost all of the questions on the first and last pages of all these queries.
The paging of the result set is part of the problem here. If I am on the first page of a result set, you only give me links to the first few pages, and the last page. There isn't any easy way to get to the middle of the result set other then messing with the URL.
What I really want is a sort order that will show me 15-50 questions sorted completely randomly. If you where worried about performance it wouldn't bug me if this page was cached heavily, and the random selection was only updated every few hours, or even every day.
I strongly suspect that I could provide at least some useful content for at least some of that large number of unanswered question. I suspect there is also a large number of questions that I could do something with from a moderation standpoint (edit&improve, vote-to-close, etc).
There is an existing related question, with a link to an app using the API, but that app really is not useful at all for finding a good selection of unanswered questions to review and answer. That question for a feature request does not have a status tag declined or planned, and it is somewhat popular.