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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
Can we merge tags for wireless networks
I suspect that most such questions are off topic anyway. I personally don't see those three examples as being on topic and have voted accordingly.
Question about Migrated post that was closed
+1 The only reason I didn't vote to close that question is because I didn't see it. I can only wonder why such a crap question was migrated, rather than just closed.
Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?
You may not be able to see it working long term but most of us do. In fact we've already got it to the point where it's working better than ever. Some of us are not likely to let go of this tiger's tail until the beast has been fully domesticated. We have a lot invested in the site and SF is unlike anything else out there.
Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?
Sorry but everything you've said so far clearly indicates that you have absolutely no understanding of how SE sites operate and SF specifically. Rather than spouting a bunch of nonsense perhaps you should sit back and take notice of how the site does operate and learn why this topic is such a problem for us. To save you a little time I'll put it in a nutshell for you: Bad content attracts bad content and we don't want bad content.
Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?
For the benefit of those who've only been participating on SF for 4 days, this problem has not had a month's attention. It has had 3 years of attention.
Are "Find [some software product] for me" questions off-topic?
The implication in your first paragraph in that the rest of us didn't other to read the two cited questions. Had you bothered to read the other answers you would have known that you're not the only one who read the questions. If I've misinterpreted that paragraph perhaps you need to be more careful in how you word things.
Should the "Ask Question" process warn that we require a professional context?
Any chance that "read the faq" could be in bright red, blinking and 72 point? "FAQ" should also be capitalised.
Is it acceptable to heavily edit my closed question?
Instead of voting to close I've upvoted your new question.
Is it acceptable to heavily edit my closed question?
Your English is a lot better than that of some of the people on SF for who it is their first language. ;)
Is it acceptable to heavily edit my closed question?
Worded right that should be perfectly acceptable.
Is it acceptable to heavily edit my closed question?
For the record, I voted to close that question because it has nothing directly to do with system administration. How much to charge for a facility or service is a business decision. We are not here to reverse engineer business decisions, regardless of whether or not there is a technical reason for them.
Problem posting a comment
@Nick, while I can't give you an exact time in this case I can say that it happened just a few minutes before posting this question. I really don't understand why I can post a comment to one answer but get an error when posting to a different answer to the very same question, all in the space of a minute or two.
Can't open close vote pop-up (again)
@Nick, there is no delay in the error being displayed, which indicates there is no timeout involved. At the time in question I have no problems with other sites or SF in general and response times all round were good. There is a proxy involved but its cache was flushed, as was the browser cache, before re-attempting to cast a vote.
Can be added?
"I want" is a valid reason only to a toddler.
Problem posting a comment
Very recently. This one happened today and the other one about the close voting happened the night before.
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