Hardware-Questions: Do they belong on Server Fault or on Super User?
The site has no chance at all of ever becoming good again.
Come Celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary!
Hey! it's the 25th. Given the paucity of entries it's not like 'tallying the votes' if going to be that difficult ...
Are HTTP, web servers and web clients not used in a business environment?
@Tim I've been sysadmining for a couple of decades and one thing I do know is that reding documentation is important. It's also important to read the correct documentation. In this case, a book from 2002 is not the correct documentation.
Why was my question regarding software management in a corporate environment closed?
The extensive edit to the question seems to have clarified the situation. It is for sure Off Topic for Server fault on the grounds of bypassing security.
Why was this suggested edit rejected?
Almost no one here is a sysadmin that's a big part of the issue.
Why was this suggested edit rejected?
It would be more helpful if you answered questions rather than just fiddling. So many questions go unanswered now that any answer you can provide would be a bonus.
Posting a link to a site with list
Answers should contain content, not just pointers to content.
Why is this question off topic here?
Read your question above carefully - ' ... found it to be good'. It's a bit of a give away.
Why is this question off topic here?
If you found that to be a good question, perhaps you should not be reviewing.
2018 Community Moderator Election Results
edited body
2018 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection
It could be argued that the decline in new content/questions is because people are finding their answers in existing content . Voting was always limited to a relatively small number of people, who like you and I, no longer play the game. What's most troubling is the lack of answers to new questions.…. It seems that the natural attrition is not not being back filled by new contributors who can provide answers.
I think my question was mistakenly closed and moved to SuperUser
It seems you accidentally typed forum when you meant Q&A site too.
I think my question was mistakenly closed and moved to SuperUser
You're being remarkably restrained here in the face of such whineyness. Nevertheless you seem a little tetchy - you need to go ride a bike. Pip pip !
Server Fault new site theme is live
I'm kind pleased I don't play the SF game much any more. I'm not sure I could spend much time looking at it. It's a bit washed out and in other ways visually jarring.