If you look at the Server Fault FAQ it says:
What kind of questions can I ask here?
Server Fault is for Information Technology Professionals needing expert answers related to managing computer systems in a professional capacity.
If your question is about…
- Server and Business Workstation operating systems, hardware, software and virtualization
- Enterprise storage, backup, and disaster recovery
- Network routing, switches, and firewalls
- Operations, maintenance, and monitoring
Your questiont doesn't fit under any of these categories. It's also ambiguous and very vague.
The site that your question comes closet to being on-topic on would be Ask Different. From their FAQ:
Ask Different is for Apple enthusiasts and power users. If you have a question about ...
- Apple hardware
- Apple software
- a limited subset of questions relating to iTunes Connect
- other Apple products or services
- third-party hardware and software for Apple products
If you plan on moving your question over to Ask Different make sure you explain your problem very well and take the time to use proper grammar and punctuation (it looks like you've already done that). I would also try to explain the phrase but my iPhone doesn't detect my network.
a little better. Does your phone not see the Network at all? Do you have a hidden SSID?
Also, as a note, every site has has it's own meta and this question should have been posted on the Server Fault Meta