I know that the cool kids have been running around talking about "fake internet points" since the mod election. That probably means that it'd be cool to not need any steeking badges, either, but I'm a nerd and I think badges smell nice. ;)
I think I'm supposed to have Strunk and White and a bronze Cloud badge. Or maybe I'm misreading the requirements. That could be the case.
I see other people are getting badges, so it's not that the badge-awarding scheduled job isn't happening. But I do have 100 non-wiki Cloud tag internet points, and I have done more than 80 edits and I think most of them were extensive enough (but could be wrong on that), and I don't have Strunk and White or a bronze Cloud tag badge.
Or maybe I've been reading the requirements incorrectly in some way. Usually, they just magically pop up on my page and I say, "Cool." ;)