I recommend doing whatever you feel is appropriate. You have the required rep, so the SE system trusts you with making that judgement. (I think it also assumes that there are more than ~7 active members in its communities, but that's nothing you have any control over.)
I'm of the firm opinion that the tag is useless - it may be used accurately, but with no description, and being an ambiguous word, it is equally accurate for questions about previous commands entered into a CLI, what would be better described as "logging," a list of websites previously visted, or questions about IT history, such as what webserver was used before Apache came along. (And the history tag was or is applied to questions from all those categories).
More importantly, tags are a method of sorting and organization, and in that sense, I can't possibly imagine a single use case for this tag. Like anyone's ever going to see the grouping of questions involving "history" (however you define it), or in the context of IT/ServerFault, want to locate an expert on the topic of "history."
But again, as said near the start, you have enough rep to review edits, so you're permitted and encouraged to use that privilege as you see fit.