[windows-server-2008] body:r2
yields a large number of results for questions about 2008 R2 that are tagged 2008. They're, obviously, very different operating systems. I don't see a way to fix this other than retagging. I've already put a snippet in the except for windows-server-2008 asking people to be cautious of this in the future.
Just to clarify, I am NOT suggesting that we:
Blindly retag everything.
Retag questions that involve both 2008 and 2008 R2 (though the addition of windows-server-2008-r2 is probably appropriate).
Guess at what tag should be there if it's ambiguous
What I am suggesting is that we retag the ones that are blatantly wrong. Whether the answer is the same for 2008 or 2008 R2 is immaterial, in my opinion. I favorite windows-server-2008-r2 but not windows-server-2008 for example.
On top of that, there are tag badges that exist for these, so accuracy does have an impact on some things other than searches.
I don't disagree that many things in 2008 are similar in 2008 R2, but many things aren't. On top of that, it's an entirely different operating system, not a minor feature update like 2003 R2 was to Server 2003. If we don't care about the accuracy of OS specific tags, why do we even have them?