It's December!
For the past couple of years, many SF'ers have added Santa hats to their Gravatars For Christmas. Feel free to join in, here are the hats we've used in the past:
This is @DennisKaarsemaker's hat! U NO CAN HAZ!!
Bow before my superior photoshop skillz, catmonster:
Since Wesley hasn't bothered to make me a better one yet I'm still using my hackjob from Two Years Ago.
UPDATE: I (wesley) had a little trouble covering up the pre-existing hat, but think I did okay:
Update Deux: I don't want to discuss how I acquired the source image. Ever.
Update Trois: This is less insane and facing the correct direction.
@MathiasR.Jessen might be facing the wrong way, but at least he has a hat to cover his shame.
Alternate option:
Look at Santa's little snappy dressing helper!
I might not be able to put my butt on a bike, but I can at least put a hat on a bike!
I had to get a running start for the hat to fit over the mohawk, but in the end it was worth it!
The Brazilian Jesus is afraid to lose his hat (said hat courtesy of @JourneymanGeek)
Snookums got a Santa hat!
Update: Thanks! But I think I will use my one from last year to mix it up a bit!
RobertM's ancient gato, who does not live in Canada: