Will anyone be attending Ohio LinuxFest this year? I plan to attend and am trying to promote SF there.

It looks like it's too late to run a booth, but if there's enough interest this year I'd be willing to organize running a booth next year.

It is one of the largest Linux conferences in North America. From the about page:

The Ohio LinuxFest welcomes people from all 50 states and international participants. We've had participants from Canada, England, Argentina, Brazil, and Australia in years past.

1 Answer 1


I'll be there on Saturday for sure, and possibly Friday. I'd be into helping out w/ a booth for next year's show, as well.

  • 1
    Very cool. We'll definitely have to meet up!
    – Warner
    Commented Aug 25, 2010 at 18:10
  • I'll be the guy in the black Server Fault t-shirt... >smile< Yeah-- I look forward to meeting you. (I don't actually look like a unicorn. It occurs to me that my real picture hasn't been on the site since April. I should probably remedy that sometime.) Commented Aug 25, 2010 at 18:44

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