I didn't really want to post a question on meta, but it appears that I have to in this case. A simple explanation in the comments would have sufficed but, after being on ServerFault for a long while, I'm at odds as to see why my question would be off-topic.
Here's the question: https://serverfault.com/questions/798963/are-there-any-uis-for-diameter
The question relates to managing security by administrating Diameter generally. It does not relate to a particular product or service. I'm not even asking for a particular type of interface (UI is a broad concept, and I've alluded to command-line ones also). Diameter is a protocol with multiple implementations, but my question relates to server and service management in a security context between a server administrator and the Diamater protocol.
I'm asking a binary question - does it exist? (And, subsequently, what should I be googling to get that information?)
There are multiple questions here with good responses on RADIUS administration. As far as my knowledge goes, Diameter is a development upon RADIUS. I don't see, therefore, why RADIUS questions are ok, but Diameter ones aren't.
I have spent over 20 hours googling and reading material related to the topic, but only low-level protocol descriptions are explained, and why it's "better" than RADIUS.
I have acknowledged that my understanding is poor, but that's due to the lack of material on the topic, protocol, and implementations, and nothing to do with effort. I have also acknowledged that I may be on the wrong track/asking the wrong question, but it seems appropriate since there are multiple interfaces to RADIUS, but apparently none for Diameter.
I really really really want to know. I spent considerable time compiling and getting a Diameter implementation running, but no real information on how I'm supposed to administrate it.
Why do multiple people consider this off-topic and worth down-voting?
Yes, it comes with one if you download the source distribution and look under the contrib directory. It's not packaged in the binary distribution.
. OrYes, but just the CLI. They intentionally didn't implement a GUI or anything due to issue xxx, see doc xxx explaining the reasoning. Oh, you didn't know there was a CLI? It's used like so:... or documented here...