In this question I was asking something about Powershell syntax - I had a specific problem with the Powershell commands of Microsoft Exchange server, but wanted to know the answer for all kinds of Powershell commandlets.
I was then informed that this question could be off-topic. Quote:
Server Fault is for questions about managing information technology systems in a business environment. Your question "… is not Exchange specific, I want to know if Powershell can handle …" Blatantly off-topic being about common Powershell features.
Of course Powershell is available on every Windows computer, but I honestly think that most people use it for business-related things. I do a lot with powershell here at work, but at home I use it twice a month...
So are Powershell questions off-topic at ServerFault? If so, there are many high-voted Powershell questions that have nothing to do with Enterprise applications.
Where is the (I think thin) line between off and on-topic when it comes to Powershell?