Linked Questions

4 votes
1 answer

Why was my question closed as off-topic?

The question is about understanding a failure or fault of an SSD drive that is not total, and not predicted or visible in SMART. The FAQ for Server Fault says: "Server ... hardware, software ... ...
qris's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Answering - a race [closed]

Question: Answerers may be under time pressure to answer first, reducing the quality of initial answers. How can this be mitigated? While the primary objective of this site may be to provide a ...
cyberx86's user avatar
  • 21.1k
1 vote
2 answers

Was this question wrongly marked as an exact duplicate?

I have a question about my Server Fault post: What file do I need to change so Apache won't say what Operating System I am using? Several users had marked it as an exact duplicate, so I tried to ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Best 'restricted shell' question

This is one that crops up often: How to restrict the users' shell allowing to execute shell programs But is it the best example we can find of a 'canonical' question on which we can close ...
MikeyB's user avatar
  • 39.9k
2 votes
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Should I flag bottleneck identification problems as Capacity and Planning dupes?

There are lots of questions on ServerFault (2.3k as of this writing) about identifying bottlenecks. I just came across CPU overloaded but no proccess is using more than 1% when reviewing, and I'm not ...
austinian's user avatar
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