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Questions tagged [new-users]

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33 votes
5 answers

Should folks have to click through an interstitial page to ask questions on Server Fault?

A few weeks back, Jay and I had a nice conversation with voretaq7 and Chopper3 where we discussed and debated the various items raised by the community here in
Shog9's user avatar
  • 420
9 votes
2 answers

Five year old question received several answers from new users

The question What is the best program to uncompress .tar.gz files on Windows Server 2008? has an accepted and multiple up-voted answers more than five years old. Then suddenly it receives three new ...
kasperd's user avatar
  • 31k
8 votes
1 answer

Updated: Does the new-user URL filtering need a better error message on server fault?

There is a filter in place to prevent new users from posting more then one link on the body of a question. I believe the intent of this is to prevent spammers from using the system, but does it ...
Zoredache's user avatar
  • 133k
2 votes
1 answer

The waving hand "New contributor" symbol

I have found that labeling the new contributors with the waving hand symbol has a psychological effect that really helps to improve the attitude towards new user accounts. Has it helped any others to ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
  • 51.4k
0 votes
1 answer

What to do about new users posting useless answers only to make themselves known?

I've recently often witnessed the quite sad phenomenon of new (and often clueless) users trying to make themselves known by adding useless answers to already-answered questions, or to old unanswered (...
Massimo's user avatar
  • 72.3k
-11 votes
3 answers

Negative vote & comments

I noticed that it became common to see newcomer posts with negative votes, and no comments to explain it. Sometimes i even wonder why some good questions get downvoted without reason. Is there a ...
Froggiz's user avatar
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