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Questions tagged [security]

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3 answers

Why is there a separate forum for IT security questions?

It seems to me that the new IT Security site and Serverfault are very thinly sliced and might create confusion in its shared users about what kind of questions go where. For example, the question "...
Scrivener's user avatar
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Another "why is this off-topic?" AWITOT? :-p

I didn't really want to post a question on meta, but it appears that I have to in this case. A simple explanation in the comments would have sufficed but, after being on ServerFault for a long while, ...
tudor -Reinstate Monica-'s user avatar
1 vote
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How does Serverfault accept your Yahoo/Google credentials?

What is the technical mechanism for this feature exactly?
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Can I Ask About Linux Server Security Vulnerabilities?

I am jumping into hosting a Linux server on AWS, and I need a place to ask my question that I could not find online about hidden vulnerabilities to Linux servers. Is it acceptable to post this ...
Jack G's user avatar
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Should anonymizing IP addresses, hostnames, company names and other PII be encouraged? [duplicate]

Not to pick on any particular question, but I noticed this question doesn't appear to have anonymized: an IP address from the server access log the referer header the domain name of the site being ...
Parthian Shot's user avatar