Question seeking tips and suggestions from technical experts closed, why?
Hi Voretaq7 : Thank you for your detailed reply - Very Helpful and Highly appreciated. Infact I have used stackprint and saved this whole page as a pdf for my future reference and I will always come back to this before phrasing / asking my questions. If any of my words have came across as dis-respectful I sincerely apologise to you and to MdMarra and to the Brains behind serverfault / stackexchange. Now, I would request "Delete" on both of my questions in a few minutes from now, I will then break my question into smaller parts, rephrase as required and post them. so i might post 3 posts. TY.
Question seeking tips and suggestions from technical experts closed, why?
Thanks zoredache ... I have selected delete on the question .. I will ask again about the same products ...however I feel that voteraq7 did not mentioned the same points as u have. Please delete both of my questions and I will ask about sepm , SQL server, desktop recovery 2011 separately. Thanks
Question seeking tips and suggestions from technical experts closed, why?
@voretaq7 ; Can you please close the original question and re-open the new re-phrased question - as the old one is already down-voted (though it shouldn't) and have a lot of comments spoiling the page. Also, You told me to open a discussion on meta about the question so I did, (I don't understand your sarcastic comment "THANK YOU - most people don't) - Please remove that too as it feels insulting. I can delete the Meta in new-rephrased question once it is re-opened or you can edit it too. Thanks !
Question seeking tips and suggestions from technical experts closed, why?
@voretaq - I rephrased my question - i put so much effort into it, reposted it as new and you closed that one ? I thought the old one was closed ? can you please copy and paste the new rephrased question into the old one so that it reflects exactly as to what I am seeking - thanks
Question seeking tips and suggestions from technical experts closed, why?
Yes You may - I don't Dislike or hate MdMarra - I read his posts and blog too - I just don't ask a question - I do my homework - i have learned that from my seniors at work. My Question was not a shopping question :-) - I still feel confident on that. Also anyone reading this Please do not think that I have any dis-respect for MdMarra - end of the day Serverfault - is just a technical forum. Also, It will be interesting to read your thoughts on the question i have referenced right at the top, as to Why it is not considered a shopping question by Yourself, as you provided me that link ?