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Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
Ward - Trying Codidact
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
7 votes

Close - Suggested SE site redirecton entries - can we add Network Engineering SE as an option?

7 votes

On the paucity of voting

7 votes

Review Audit Blocking Algorithm

6 votes

Closing OT crappy questions

6 votes

Should we punish and also close questions with blindingly obvious answers?

6 votes

Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?

6 votes

2013 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

6 votes

Sure, we like the IDEA of voting, but we are poor in our actions

6 votes

Question about the Off-topic close reason vs migration close reasons

6 votes

BOFH Gravatar Week - Let's keep going!

6 votes

Why can one continue to downvote a closed question?

6 votes

Should we have a "general reference" close reason?

6 votes

Why was my question considered not acceptable for Server Fault?

6 votes

BOFH Gravatar Week - Let's keep going!

6 votes

BOFH Gravatar Week - Let's keep going!

6 votes

Chat - a plea for moderation

6 votes

Server Fault Conference

6 votes

How to attract more professionals?

6 votes

Was the Server Fault logo derived from a StackOverflow logo proposal?

6 votes

We should bring back the "question must show a minimal understanding" close reason

6 votes

Advice on books?

6 votes

How to ask correctly here on serverfault?

6 votes Phishing?

6 votes

post put on hold, no feedback, edited it several times, made comments but no reply from mods for days, now closed im blocked from new questions

5 votes

Posting a link to a site with list

5 votes

What makes virtual box off topic on server fault?

5 votes

Edits shouldn't require a minimum number of characters changed

5 votes

Should downvotes be moderated?

5 votes

Why is this question on "determing number of domains under a registrar" OffTopic for Serverfault?

5 votes

Why was my edit rejected?

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