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the-wabbit's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
Integrate cloudshark's service
@RobM It has cool looks. I am under the impression that anything with fancy visuals is getting to the top of the queue speedily as it is a magnet for visitors.
Integrate cloudshark's service
Although people do not "express a wish to share captures", in many cases captures would add great value to the questions. I would have hoped that inclusion of captures would happen on a more regular, even frequent basis if we had such a facility integrated in the "ask question" form.
Integrate cloudshark's service
Since this is a feature mainly concerning the SF main site (and probably of little interest to other sites, possibly with the exception of U&L.SE and NE.SE), I posted this question to meta.SF.
Extra word in help document
It even would be many of good.
Line noise check, RE: our topic matter
Having gotten the chance to know both, Serverfault's culture is quite definitely not the Usenet culture. The Usenet had no instruments for closing or voting, so in most groups the usual method of expressing doubt about a question's topicality or quality was crafting a post to ridicule the original poster as bluntly as possible. Which often resulted in endless flame wars.
why my questions get off-topics, please guide me
Where do I subscribe for the next meeting to be beaten with a board? Is it possible to have the board exchanged by birch twigs and have the meeting scheduled in the nearest banya?
I'd like a settings option or StackApp that allows me to filter what I see on the site
@voretaq7 it looks very much like if filtering is not being provided, it will be created as a browser add-on or a StackApp. It already is rather easy to craft a query allowing filtering on just anything using data.SE, it seems just like the matter of time before anybody gets annoyed enough to implement it for the live data.
I'd like a settings option or StackApp that allows me to filter what I see on the site
If we allowed filtering by rep there would be a pile of crap from 1-rep accounts that nobody ever sees: this is rather easy to handle by requiring users to complete a certain number of reviews to earn this privilege.
Exchange security guidance (not cross posting, just making you aware)
FWIW, there already is cross-site promotion by the means of "hot questions". Obviously, you have very little influence over what is appearing there as the question's owner. As the number of sites has increased and keeps increasing, the need for cross-site promotion will continue to rise, so maybe it is going to be implemented one day.
Automatically raised flags
I see, secret sauce again. I want now!
early-signs-of-a-bad-sysadmin question deleted?
What's your URL? The question is opening for me quite fine.
Why the major FAQ/help change?
As a suggestion, if it is not possible to create a site-specific redirect from /faq to /help/on-topic, maybe it might be more adequate to alter all historic comments' texts referencing the /faq in any way to go to the new location of /help/on-topic. I can see how it creates a load of up-front work, but if SE is reluctant to doing the redirect this seems like the option making the most sense.
Why the major FAQ/help change?
@GraceNote but this surely can easily be helped? It does not seem to involve much more than a change to the redirection destination of <sitename>/faq, or am I missing some major point here?
Why the major FAQ/help change?
A moderator is community-elected so it obviously is somewhat harsh to call it a dictatorship. Honestly, I cannot understand all the buzz - the FAQ is still there (although the URI has changed) and requests to "go read the FAQ" are as likely (or unlikely) to be followed as they have been before.
Submitting answers to closed questions
@voretaq7 I never would even think of stopping.
Submitting answers to closed questions
Does it mean that anyone could submit answers to a closed questions within 4 hours after closure by crafting an appropriate POST request?
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