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Mark Henderson's user avatar
Mark Henderson's user avatar
Mark Henderson
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
9 votes

What's wrong with my question concerning VMware?

9 votes

What are unicoins useful for?

8 votes

Are we becoming too judgmental about questions relating to "professionalism"?

8 votes

Tag Deletion Request

8 votes

Why in the world was this automatically bumped?

8 votes

Tag wiki edit aproval

8 votes

Does this belong?

8 votes

Would a "Vote these questions up" chat room make sense?

8 votes

Units of measure - farenheit, celcius, kelvin?

8 votes

why was the question on dev server setup moved to SU?

8 votes

What is the etiquette on using comments to say "thank you"?

7 votes

mod_rewrite/htaccess/etc. questions - migrate?

7 votes

SF retag: "esx" and "esxi" to "vmware-esx" and "vmware-esxi"?

7 votes

Can we just get rid of vgv8?

7 votes

What should be done with questions that are duplicates if they get migrated?

7 votes

Expand migrate-options

7 votes

How is Server Fault doing as of late 2011?

7 votes

Why were my questions deleted and account suspended?

7 votes

Should we discourage the use of PPTP

7 votes

Is "don't personally know the answer to this question" a reason to close? How to stop it?

7 votes

Please define the line between IT Security and topics for this site

7 votes

Congrats to the newly-elected mods!

7 votes

Open ended homework questions

7 votes

What to do with questions when the answer is in a man page?

7 votes

what is the status of my ban?

6 votes

Why my question & it's history was deleted?

6 votes

We want to celebrate the community's 10th anniversary together!

6 votes

All my activity has been deleted

6 votes

Hotel's IP blocked - should I be worried?

6 votes

Why are sometimes popular questions closed?