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Sven's user avatar
Sven's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • I don't know this planet anymore.
11 votes

Can anything be done about mods robo-rejecting edits that are objective improvements?

11 votes

Can I take the on-topic summary at face value?

11 votes

Why images/screenshots wasn't embedded in most questions/answers? Is it a bad practice?

11 votes

Is this the correct attitude for a Server Fault moderator?

11 votes

How to know the cause(s) of a down vote?

11 votes

Site design update is now live

10 votes

Excessive moderation? Closing questions as: "Ask vendor"

10 votes

Discourage / prevent "didn't read the question" answers

10 votes

Can I open a question about licensing?

10 votes

Why am I close to being banned from serverfault?

10 votes

Negative vote & comments

10 votes

Off Topic Migration to Security Stackexchange

10 votes

Does a user lose his privileges if he sets a bounty which takes him below the required reputation score for the privilege?

10 votes

How to get <ip> to show in markdown without declaring as code?

10 votes

Why are Jenkins related questions not suitable for ServerFault?

10 votes

Change the duplicate excerpt

10 votes

Why was this question about Amazon CloudFront put on hold as off-topic?

10 votes

Editing content on 4 year-old questions isn't always necessary

10 votes

Why was this question about svchost HDD thrashing closed?

10 votes

Why is "What are the ports used by strongSwan?" Off-topic?

10 votes

email forwarding services - on topic?

9 votes

About explainer badge

9 votes

why is a post about fail2ban/ipfw off-topic?

9 votes

How to fix a question?

9 votes

On hold for a valid question conforming to guidelines

9 votes

Question IS relevant to server fault! Please remove hold and down votes

9 votes

Question closed because it was not in a busness enviroment, but i'm doing it for a company?

9 votes

Getting downvotes on personal ground

9 votes

Should spam flag have optional hidden comment?

9 votes

What should Server Fault do with questions about web hosting control panels?