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pauska's user avatar
pauska's user avatar
pauska's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
  • Oslo, Norway
12 votes

"Shibboleet" Easter Egg for serverfault

10 votes

Serverfault, superuser, or nowhere?

10 votes

It's Santa Time!

6 votes

Company Name In Username

6 votes

Unqualified "professionals"

5 votes

How is Server Fault doing as of late 2011?

5 votes

Why does laser printer maintainance not fall under the scope of SF?

4 votes

Is "Telephony" (as defined by Area 51 proposal) on topic here?

4 votes

What do we do when a user edits their own post while not logged in or logged in as a different user?

4 votes

Is it just me or is the quality of questions on SF declining?

4 votes

It's Santa Time!

4 votes

Request to merge tags: [php-fpm] and [php5-fpm]

3 votes

On which stackexchange site should this be posted?

3 votes

Would a "Vote these questions up" chat room make sense?

3 votes

Downvoting really old questions?

2 votes

Would like to understand why was my question closed

2 votes

Is this new SF user posting too-many/too-poor questions

2 votes

What times do current moderators, and moderator candidates, generally feel are their most productive on SF?

1 vote

A better /about Question and Answer