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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
3 votes

Guidelines for question migration

3 votes

Is this type of answer acceptable?

3 votes

As long-term users mature on the site, do they get less patient?

3 votes

Improving versus Closing -- Help bad askers help themselves!

3 votes

Bad kerning in Firefox on ServerFault Blog

3 votes

serverfault doesn't has a PM?

3 votes

A plea to reopen

3 votes

Should users <3k flag to migrate?

3 votes

Quotas on downvoting

3 votes

2011 Community Moderator Election

3 votes

Can we come up with a consensus opinion on Purchasing Suggestions?

3 votes

Obfuscating domain names

3 votes

Why can't you "follow" or at least "favorite" other ServerFault / StackExchange users?

3 votes

Migration statistics for February

3 votes

Defining the limits of self-promotion on Server Fault

3 votes

Is this query really "crap"?

3 votes

Why was my question migrated to Super User?

3 votes

Are Sevice desk management questions appropriate?

3 votes

HR thinks I'm visiting job search websites

3 votes

Shopping Question? Why?

3 votes

Add entry to FAQ to discourage link-and-run?

3 votes

The bad tag collection

3 votes

Question closed, but it was a complete question that could be answered

3 votes

Can the tags x and x11 be merged?

3 votes

Can we merge tags for wireless networks

3 votes

Why do people down-vote questions without telling you why?

3 votes

Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?

3 votes

What is the purpose of migrating a question only to close it?

3 votes

Do we need a long-form FAQ?

2 votes

Should we discourage the use of PPTP

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