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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
Unqualified "professionals"
you've missed the context of this question and the answers. Nobody here (in this question) is talking about closing any door. There are other discussions on meta that do address that issue and I for one hold quite strong views on appropriateness, as you will see in those other discussions.
Change or retract a vote to close
Thanks. I knew the vanished but didn't realise it was after only 4 days. It would still be useful to have the option to change a vote though.
Change or retract a vote to close
There are times when a question really should be killed off but a later edit changes the entire meaning or context sufficiently to have it remain. Once a few votes have been cast there's a tendency for others to follow suit. Being able to retract the vote might tend to negate that a bit.
Change or retract a vote to close
Ok, consider the issue raised again. It wasn't exactly discussed at length in the linked question and the highest voted of the two answers was in favour of being able to change or retract.
Chat activity for election nominees
There also the consideration that not everyone is equally comfortable with chat. Different media suit different people.
Chat activity for election nominees
Mark and I are in the same timezone. I don't use chat but (mainly because I was bored) I've poke my head in there a few times lately. I've seen no great activity there at those times and quite frankly what I did see merely discouraged me from participating.
Chat activity for election nominees
I heartily agree. On a personal level, while I am reading all the discussions related to the election (but not using chat) my voting will be determined not by what is being said or done NOW. Rather, it will be based on the how the candidates have interacted with the community over time, because I see that as far more important. Besides, we're all only too familiar with how people (think politicians) act around election time. ;)
2011 Moderator Elections - Town Hall Chat
I agree that the use of meta would be better than chat. Even better yet would be to use a more traditional discussion forum. Pretty trivial to set up and it can be removed again when the election is over.
Question migration statistics and a plea
I suspect, but can't say for certain, that before the option was removed more questions migrated from SO to SF were then migrated to SU. AFter all, a great many of those coming from SO should have gone to SU, not SF.
Information on the moderator candidates
That page loads but that's about it for me. Clicking the icons does nothing. Down the bottom there are just a bunch of "Loading... " messages but no activity.
2011 Moderator Elections - Town Hall Chat
In addition to the candidates having other commitments the timezone issue also needs to be considered. Any attempt to find a single time must work out badly for either the candidates, the general population, or both. I for one was still asleep when you wrote this notice.
Is it enough to just vote an answer up?
A quick look over the site will reveal that the very vast majority of votes, either up or down, are not accompanied by a comment.
2011 Community Moderator Election
@sysadmin1138, maybe it's just me but I can't make heads or tails of what that means. I've never heard of a minimum-equals sort and that 5% thingy is a real mystery. Whatever happened to "if you get more votes than me you win"?
2011 Community Moderator Election
Yes, the concept of primaries is foreign to the majority of this planet's population. FWIW, I've never even been able to understand our own absurd ("Westminster") political system. :(
On migrating to unix-SE
@Tshepang, you might also like to think about your incorrect and excessive use of exclamation marks.
Can you submit the blog post here first before posting?
the person who posted that item clearly didn't go to school the same place I did. Your grammar was not incorrect, nor was it ambiguous or confusing in the slightest to those of us who actually speak the language, as opposed to those who know only the theory. Kind of like the difference between those of us who do sysadmin work and somebody fresh out of school with a bunch of certificates but doesn't know the front of a server from the back.
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