I thought it might be neat/funny to link to the worst questions you've ever seen on serverfault.
I'll start us off with https://serverfault.com/questions/209537/hi-can-any-ony-explain-elaborately-about-hosting-closed
I thought it might be neat/funny to link to the worst questions you've ever seen on serverfault.
I'll start us off with https://serverfault.com/questions/209537/hi-can-any-ony-explain-elaborately-about-hosting-closed
In my opinion, these 2 questions (which are some of the most viewed on Server Fault) are awful.
I was thrilled when the coolest server names was closed .. now if only the irritating phrases would get closed so it doesn't keep rearing its ugly head every now and then.
The worst? Not sure I've seen it yet. The questions I consider most poor are any of the step-by-step/spoon-feed-me/SendTehCodezPlz type questions. Especially when followed-up with combative commenting (from OP) and/or a general disregard for autodidactic/RTFM/Google.
e.g., What does ESXI server do
I've seen some pretty bad ones. Most just glide into obscurity, rightfully ignored. But then there are some that are sneaky. They sound legitimate, or perhaps just enough off center that some judicious education can help. So I try. And they prove that they either fundamentally don't get it, or get combative about it.
Case in point.
Then there are the ones that can only be answered by writing a text book. Those tend to get closed/deleted, so are hard to dig up. Except for a few. The converse to this kind of question are the ones that get actual textbook-sized answers that act as reference material for the rest of us.