The Words and links below have been incorporated into the FAQ
The proposed FAQ has been officially rejected by the power that be. They had an interesting choice of words for the previous edit. The crux of their objection is that it should be understandable in 30 seconds.
The newest proposal, which has the most egregiously offensive parts removed already (as interpreted by me), is below. Whether we need to add bits back, or change whatever, please follow the same process as the previous edit round.
As SysAdmin1138 points out below: The FAQ is apparently supposed to be a 30 second welcome pamphlet for user users to the site only (regardless of what content is in it now). It is not supposed to be a reference for topicality, which is exactly what we wrote in the proposed FAQ. The power that be have ordained the meta-site faq as the reference for topicality; defining questions that should be on or off topic, as pointed out to a user who is questioning the location of a Question or needs to be corrected.
For more reference: There's a blog post on Stack Overflow regarding the 7 essential questions for Area51/Beta/SE sites. The second question is "What should our FAQ contain?" which give minuscule guidance on FAQ content. The blog references Super User's FAQ for exemplifying the issues specific to your website.
Lets give it another try! We can do this.
This edit process will run until 00:00 2012-2-20 Z (Sunday evening for most of the US).
Server Fault is for Information Technology Professionals needing expert answers related to managing computer systems in a professional capacity.
If your question is about…
- Server and Business Workstation operating systems, hardware, software and virtualization
- Enterprise storage, backup, and disaster recovery
- Network routing, switches, and firewalls
- Operations, maintenance, and monitoring
and it is not about…
- Anything in a home setting
- Product, service, or learning material recommendations
- Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education
- Licensing, legal advice, and circumvention of security or policy
- Unauthorized hacking, password cracking, or system misuse
…then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
There's also…
…a list of the most common questions with links to the "best" answer we've identified
…a list of questions clarifying the above points and covering other nuances
We also have sister sites that cover specific topics in more detail:
- StackOverflow for Programming
- SuperUser for general Networking, Hardware, and Technology
- Unix & Linux for general Unix/Linux usage
- DBA for Advanced Database topics
- IT Security for Advanced Security (implementation, theory, white hat)
- Tag cloud removed, some tags replaced with plain text
- Helpful list of sister sites removed, too much text
- Purpose line shortened to just the main points
- Stripped full stops from bullets
- Grouped Server and Workstation categories
- Added link to the clarifying guidance of the FAQ meta-tag
- Added sister sites back in since the community thinks they're useful
- Less "law", less "abuse", add "backup and DR"
I don't read minds, nor do most people. If the power that be would weigh in with their specific thoughts it would be much appreciated as there seems to be a degree of disparity between appearances and intentions.
. I'll keep it updated with any changes that get merged.