Have you read the comments on your question? As originally posted it was unanswerable (insufficient information for us to point you to a solution). Server Fault moves quickly, and incomplete questions are closed aggressively because they just tend to attract people taking guesses based on assumptions which may later prove invalid.
11 hours without the needed information is plenty of time for 5 of our users to come by and say "This can't be answered as-is, close it until it's fixed"
If you would like your question reopened you need to edit the question to include all the relevant details needed to help people solve the problem. If the question is deemed "good enough to reopen" by a sufficient number of users it will be reopened.
On a related note, this sort of question (Where is the option to change XXXX?
) is typically something you should be asking your vendor (Amazon) - one of the answers is even a link to the documentation Amazon provides.
We do try to be helpful pointing people at the documentation and offering hints on how to apply it, but there has been a massive upswing in people using Server Fault as "Tech Support for the Intertubes" lately, and our users are getting quicker to hit the close button on this sort of question to protect the overall quality of questions and answers on the site.