First off, thank you for posting your issue in the correct place.
This puts you several miles ahead of most folks who complain about their question being placed on hold, but never take the proper steps to deal with why that happened.
I personally see two problems with your question (and please understand I'm not saying this to be mean, just honest):
The first is that your tags are... not great.
mac is the most relevant one, and honestly osx would probably be a better choice backup would be appropriate too.
I don't understand how ssd is relevant (yes you have an SSD in the machine, but that's not really relevant to what you're trying to do), and the others I can take or leave (they may or may not be relevant to the ultimate solution - you might be told not to use the tools you're using).
The second is that, as asked, it is indistinguishable from a developer or end user asking a question that should be directed to their IT staff "I need a backup of my workstation, how can I do that?", or a home use case (which is the province of SuperUser).
Part of that has to do with your choice of hardware and software, which is an unfortunate bias on Server Fault. "Desktop grade tools" often lead to the conclusion that we're dealing with a "desktop grade question". In your particular case I can't tell if that's true or not, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt to some extent.
Both of these leave me in a position where I can't see my way clear to overriding 5 users who decided to put the question on hold. (I personally don't think it's a terrible question, but I don't think it's a great question either - so while I wouldn't close it myself I'm also not willing to say it absolutely should be reopened.)
Both problems are also REALLY EASY to fix:
For the first one, take a minute and browse the tags list, or type a few out and see which are most appropriate. Ask yourself "What is my question about?", and list the most relevant things.
(Tagging is hard. Usually I just fix questionable tags, but you seem smart enough to be able to do it right.)
For the second you can clarify your question to show the professional context.
Simply saying you "have a prototyping environment" doesn't quite cut it, because Server Fault's target audience is not every IT professional (a scope which includes developers, who frequently have "prototyping environments" on their laptops, who should talk to local IT about backups), it is professional IT admins - and in fact really a subset of those.
It's hard for me to reconcile your question as it stands with our target audience - it's on the fence and leaning toward "Not really our bailiwick", but it's entirely possible that a little word smithing will knock it clearly into the "in scope and on topic" category.