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voretaq7's user avatar
voretaq7's user avatar
voretaq7's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
7 votes

Why do some user pictures feature a red phone?

7 votes

Universal Blacklist Request: RTFM

7 votes

Why aren't question images clickable for the full-size version?

7 votes

Missed opportunity to provide a good answer to a less than ideal question?

7 votes

Where to ask complex but home network questions?

6 votes

Chat - a plea for moderation

6 votes

Is my question best suited to serverfault, if so, what's it missing?

6 votes

Should poorly researched, basic, but answerable questions be closed?

6 votes

Deleting closed questions with no answers

6 votes

Worse than usenet? Our image to prospective new users.

6 votes

Bad rejection: Moderators should probably err on the side of inclusion, not on the side of rejection

6 votes

should I add the tag "redhat" to CentOS-related questions?

6 votes

Useless, [shutdown] is

6 votes

Restrict some formatting options for posting answers

6 votes

What is (or what should be) the etiquette for editing old questions or posts?

6 votes

Merge DNS record tags for consistency

6 votes

How do we decide when Node.js questions are off-topic here?

6 votes

Reopen software related question

6 votes

Are "Find [some software product] for me" questions off-topic?

6 votes

Are questions about home server somehow inherently off-topic? If so, why?

6 votes

Proposed changes to some help pages

6 votes

What questions are on topic for ServerFault? What is the right thing to do if I asked an off-topic question?

6 votes

Can I withdraw questions?

6 votes

Is there a sudden large influx of spam suggested edits?

6 votes

"performance" a duplicate of "capacity", seriously?

6 votes

Question-ban due to unmigrated questions

5 votes

Permanent storage

5 votes

Where do I report stolen content?

5 votes

Should we be more tolerant of qualitative questions?

5 votes

Tag removal request: soho

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