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user9517's user avatar
user9517's user avatar
user9517's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Logged off and bogged off
6 votes

Sure, we like the IDEA of voting, but we are poor in our actions

6 votes

Quoting a previous answer to a possible duplicate of the question

6 votes

Why is this question on "determing number of domains under a registrar" OffTopic for Serverfault?

6 votes

Where do questions regarding labs for enterprise equipment & software belong if not SF?

6 votes

Question about ReadyNAS being inaccessible was put on hold as "off-topic" — what to do?

6 votes

How should we deal with old link-only answers?

6 votes

Many old questions getting additional proftpd/vsftpd tags

6 votes

can I ask about configuring Server applications on a regular PC

6 votes

How to deal with "marginal" answers on review?

6 votes

On hold vs closed questions, what's the difference?

6 votes

Why is the Server Fault community so unfriendly?

6 votes

Erroneous review task count in topbar, potential bug?

6 votes

Site design update is now live

6 votes

Site design update is now live

6 votes

2014 Community Moderator Election

6 votes

How to deal with questioners that don't accept your appropriate answer?

6 votes

How to check deleted question

6 votes

Should "on topic" be narrowed down on SF?

6 votes

Is nginx off-topic?

6 votes

What happened to the appearance of the vote count?

6 votes

Question ban :(

6 votes

Add entry to FAQ to discourage link-and-run?

6 votes

Can I contact the moderator so he would consider moving my question to a different stack exchange site?

6 votes

How is Server Fault doing as of late 2011?

6 votes

Edit without bumping

6 votes

Information on the moderator candidates

6 votes

Show questions (with answers) that a user has answered

6 votes

Is it taboo to answer my own questions to promote nice features of <xyz> app?

6 votes

How to ask correctly here on serverfault?

6 votes

As a reviewer, when should I upvote first posts?

3 4
6 7