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user9517's user avatar
user9517's user avatar
user9517's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Logged off and bogged off
3 votes

Create Tag : openstack-neutron

3 votes

Request for retagging tinc-related questions

3 votes

Someone is removing the history tag. Was that discussed and should the edit be accepted or rejected?

3 votes

Why were my "not an answer" flags on these answers declined? What should I have done instead?

3 votes

Merge the subdomain and subdomains tags

3 votes

Who is ServerFault Valued Associate #0000004?

3 votes

What questions are on topic for ServerFault? What is the right thing to do if I asked an off-topic question?

3 votes

I'm tired of answering questions with: "Upgrade the firmware" or "Run updates"

3 votes

How to remove an account from Serverfault but leave other stackexchange sites intact

3 votes

Tags for "fedora": Need "fedora20" tag (maybe)

3 votes

SSL cache in Windows or Outlook - Is this on topic here or better for Sec.SE?

3 votes

How do you sort unanswered questions with [tag] by newest first?

3 votes

Why is my question on dd test closed?

3 votes

What is the URI that points to the voting stats?

3 votes

How can I delete my serverfault profile?

3 votes

early-signs-of-a-bad-sysadmin question deleted?

3 votes

Chat is not a place for live support, but what is live support?

2 votes

Can you help me formulate a better question (re: server security)

2 votes

Closing old questions which have answers?

2 votes

Will/Should Serverfault be dropping the "networking support" in the upcoming future?

2 votes

Clarification on why question was migrated

2 votes

Q: Proposing tags that do not have questions yet?

2 votes

Remove or Rename "Site" Tag

2 votes

Can I ask about installation of an operating system distribution over a server?

2 votes

Questions with favourites tags: can you make the background darker?

2 votes

Users with editing privileges can no longer approve edits

2 votes

What is (or what should be) the etiquette for editing old questions or posts?

2 votes

Lost reputation "User was removed"

2 votes

What is the purpose of migrating a question only to close it?

2 votes

BOFH Gravatar Week - Let's keep going!