We see quite a lot of Not An Answer flags that shouldn't really have been thrown. The NAA flag should be thrown when the community lacks the tools to fix an issue e.g.
- The answer is asking for additional information or making a comment on the question - we can convert to a comment.
- Someone is saying I have this problem too/Did this ever get resolved/Thanks etc.
- Someone is asking a new question.
You could flag these as not an answer but you could do better
- The answer is a comment on another answer (please use other and let us know where it should go, use the share link).
- The answer is additional information that should be an edit to the question. We can convert to edit so using other and letting us know is good, you could edit the information into the question yourself and then flag other and request deletion.
NAA flags shouldn't be thrown when the community has the tools to fix the issue e.g.
- The answer provided is wrong.
- The answer provided doesn't answer the question.
- The answer is phrased as a question e.g. Did you try X or Y ? Which is really a hint to the OP to do something.
You have the tools to deal with these: Downvote, leave a comment or both. If you have enough rep and you feel it necessary, you can cast a delete vote.
Additional Information:
https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/167632/147520, Can we have an unambiguous, official ruling on what the "not an answer" flag is for?