Building a set of questions for a meaningful survey is hard. Questions build bias, bias is built into the questions, and analyzing the results is its own discipline. Best for us is to build a list of things we'd like to know about and then let someone who knows how to write surveys build it for us.
A lot of what we're looking for probably overlaps with the SAGE/USENIX surveys. If we can, pull elements out of that to found sections like demographics (who/what/where) and environments (how-much) we'll save time.
Overall areas I know I'm interested in:
- Diversity of operating-system environments supported. Whatall are you dealing with? We got a LOT of tags out there. We have some AIX people, some pure Windows, and I'm sure some pure Solaris still out there. And people who do all three and more.
- Diversity of virtualization frameworks supported. Not everyone uses VMware. Or HyperV. Or KVM.
- Diversity of network environments supported. We need to disambiguate this from 'storage networks', but Ethernet technologies, WAN technologies, routing, advanced foo.
- Diversity of storage environments supported. I'm thinking technologies rather than vendor ecosystems, so things like Fibre Channel, iSCSI, FCoE, SCSI, SAS, Infiniband, as well as the major blocks such as storage routers, arrays, and suchlike.
- Diversity of scripting/automation environments supported. Where SF runs into SO-land, but it's still useful to know.
- Size of environment supported. This will be a major section of its own, but mainly useful for cross-tabs.
- Career items
- Method of payment, Hourly, salary, independent contractor, pony-rides.
- Number of peers in title/position in your organization. This is fuzzy especially since we have contractor-types who work with a lot of entities where they may be peers. So, good question-smithing will be needed.
- Rough number of internal users supported. To get an idea of organizational size of responsibility. I'm purposely ignoring 'total internal users in the organization as a whole' as I don't think that's useful. I may be wrong.
- Rough number of external users supported. For our Google SRE's, this may be "all of humanity", but for the office-IT people it may very well be zero. Building the right options on this question will be an interesting task.
I have some interest in level of certifications, but I believe other surveys handle this better.