The banner in the Comms Room says This is *NOT* a place for 'Live Support', ask on the main site.
I think we all agree that we don't want this room to turn into "halp! halp! My production system exploded!" and that we want properly-scoped questions to turn into valuable content on the main site. That part's fine and I totally agree.
On the flip side, I've noticed that whenever anyone has any question, that banner gets posted. I'm guilty too. I'm very quick to take a screencap of it and make a freehand circle, but I think I've been wrong. Questions like product recommendations, general inquiries, or someone asking about a product that's still in the exploratory stage (before they have enough info to ask on main) should be OK in chat.
We already "give a pass" to regular chatters about this type of thing, why not make it officially OK. After all, the original idea of chat was to be a place for content related to the main site but not quite topical.