I refer specifically to this question: Netgear GS724T - all lights are always on - although this is just one specific example, I see this repeatedly day after day on different questions.
netgear gs724t all Lights are always on
I have a netgear GS724T connected to a TP-Link switch. When I turn on the Netgear all Lights Stay always on. Tried reset to Factory defaults but no change.
The Lights also stay on when it is not connected to the TP-Link switch.
Any idea?
Now, I'm not saying that this is a good question, or that it should remain open. But if we're going to go to the effort of re-doing these close reasons, please, think twice about what you're choosing:
Let's break this down:
Questions seeking installation, configuration or diagnostic help must include:
the desired end state
Well, this is pretty obvious from the question. He wants his switch to work and not light up when nothing is plugged into it. Spending a microsecond reading the question makes this information implied.
The specific problem or error
This information is provided in the body of the question
sufficient information about the configuration and environment to reproduce it
This information is provided in the body of the question
Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers and are unlikely to get good answers.
He provided all the relevant information and a pretty obvious diagnosis could be made.
So please, think about the close reasons you're using. Throwing the wrong close reasons on questions is not going to help the site regardless of which side of the current professional/everyman debate.