Your question is worded in such a way that I think you don't understand the point of downvoting questions.
On the main site downvotes indicate that a question does not meet the community's standards.
This could be for a variety of reasons, including:
- The question is unclear: We can't figure out what they're trying to ask.
- The question shows no troubleshooting: "Here's an error. Fix it for me!" questions.
- The question shows no research effort: The answer is in the man page or first Google result.
(Poor questions along the lines of the above are also often closed.)
The amount of "courage" required to post a question is not relevant to the quality of the question, which is what you're supposed to consider when voting (up or down).
On this Meta site downvotes generally mean "I do not agree with your position or assessment".
Could the engine be changed in a way when downvoting a question will take down the downvoter's reputation, or at least the name of a genius could be seen?
Simply put, No. To both questions.
The system used to deduct one reputation point for downvoting questions.
This was removed quite some time ago in order to encourage people to downvote bad questions without fearing for their precious reputation points. Yes, this means questions get a lot more downvotes than they did before that change was implemented. It is presumed that people aren't just downvoting "because it's free" but are actually honestly assessing the questions.
Voting on Stack Exchange sites is anonymous, and that policy/design choice is unlikely to ever be changed. Exposing who voted which way on what questions will result in the site devolving into a screaming match about how "Joe User hates me and you can tell because he downvotes all of my questions!"
The only way to avoid that situation is for voting to remain anonymous.
though are decent enough to be asked
- [citation needed]"or at least the name of a genius could be seen ?"
- any genius? Because I think it'd be cool if every downvote included a popup that said "TheCleaner thanks you for exercising your vote!" I think this feature-request should be approved. :)