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Questions tagged [close-reasons]

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2 votes
1 answer

Is the "Questions should demonstrate reasonable information technology management practices" close reason too subjective?

Questions should demonstrate reasonable information technology management practices. Questions that relate to unsupported hardware or software platforms or unmaintained environments may not be ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why was my question closed as opinion-based?

My question about edge computing was closed as opinion-based. Here is the relevant help page: Opinion-based - Discussions focused on diverse opinions can be great, but they just don't fit our format ...
1 vote
3 answers

I asked a question for my work. Is this not 'managing information technology systems in a business environment'?

So I asked this question about a system I use for work: Wget and Curl complain about expired ceritificate, but it's not expired? It got closed with the following reason: Questions on Server Fault ...
3 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't ServerFault allow questions about unsupported hardware/software platforms?

I ran across a question today with the following close reason: Questions should demonstrate reasonable business information technology management practices. Questions that relate to unsupported ...
-2 votes
1 answer

If this question is off-topic, where is it on-topic?

This question: Google Calendar alternative for an NGO who wishes to publicly share an activities calendar which is somewhere in the convex hull of SF, SR, SU and maybe WebApps, has been closed as off-...
2 votes
1 answer

Where this is a web hosting control panel?

Override template homedir on FreeNAS 11.3 joined in Active Directory FreeNAS/TrueNAS is an enterprise grade storage system. This is not even near as a web hosting panel. Sorry for the honesty but ...
5 votes
2 answers

Please reinstate "must know what you are talking about" close reason

As already discussed here, I think there is a serious problem with people asking questions which are utterly and totally unanswerable because they don't have a clue about what they are doing. Those ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is my question about subdomain usage with content delivery networks off-topic?

I wanted to know if there were any specific technical reasons why large enterprises do not use subdomains to identify their CDNs. I spent a fair amount of time carefully wording my question and ...
-8 votes
2 answers

Why should questions about interactions between my server and bots off-topic?

I understand that this site has an established history of prejudice (🙃) towards questions about shared hostings or control panels. However, I still can't see how these questions (1, 2) not comply ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is my question about docker-compose off-topic?

After searching for an answer to my problem, I decided to ask on SF, because there are many other docker related questions here. Here is my question: Docker version 18.06.X, but compose format 3.X ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why was this question flagged as off-topic?

I have a question about my Server Fault post: Application is not accesible using a public IP address Why was this question marked as off-topic? It isn't related to development problems, and I don't ...
-4 votes
2 answers

On-topic automation/management tools vs off-topic product recommendations - where the border lies?

My recently asked question has been put on-hold minutes after being published. However not being new to ServerFault and quite a few other SE websites this surprised me. For me as asker the question is ...
-3 votes
3 answers

How to flag/close questions about old/irrelevant versions [duplicate]

I just came across an unanswered question from 2012, asking about an issue with the Archlinux boot process. It's now been several years and the Arch boot process changed a lot (switched to Systemd, ...
17 votes
2 answers

Do we consider Bitnami to fall under the cPanel close reason?

It's not exactly a cPanel-style system, but it shares the same characteristics - weird, specific, one-click configurations that are pervasive and difficult to debug and tweak. Is it legitimate to ...
3 votes
3 answers

What's the best close reason for impossible troubleshooting questions?

We have the "insufficient info to troubleshoot" close reason: Questions seeking installation, configuration or diagnostic help must include the desired end state, the specific problem or error, ...
29 votes
6 answers

We should bring back the "question must show a minimal understanding" close reason

As per this discussion, the old "questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved" close reason has been replaced. However, questions such as this one (*) (and ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Change the duplicate excerpt

Currently, This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please edit this question to explain how it is different or ask a new ...
1 vote
4 answers

Should we refer to U&L in the "managing information technology systems in a business environment" off-topic reason?

I'm seeing a lot of questions that are just trivial "how do I use <Unix tool X>" questions, where X is things like curl, rsync, etc. Most of these are getting closed as OT, "not managing IT ...
-9 votes
2 answers

Where do questions regarding labs for enterprise equipment & software belong if not SF?

So this is in regards to, which was closed because it was considered off topic. I had a chance to discuss this with EEAA, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Should we introduce a close reason for old, unanswered and unlike-to-be-answered questions?

Inspired by this question randomly popping up on the front page, although it hasn't been edited and no new answers of comments have been posted for more than three years. I guess this is due to some ...
1 vote
2 answers

Question closed because it was not in a busness enviroment, but i'm doing it for a company?

Now I'm just trying to understand the following close reason in regard to my question: "Questions on Server Fault must be about managing information technology systems in a business environment. Home ...
3 votes
1 answer

closed serverfault question

I am reading this closed question and I find the reason for closing it a bit confusing: Why does it matter the environment where the issue occurs, since it could equally happen both at home for ...
11 votes
2 answers

We need a custom close reason for web hosting control panels

As part of our ongoing cleanup of old (and new) web hosting control panel questions, we need a custom close reason for web hosting control panels which explains the issue, why we are unable to accept ...
4 votes
1 answer

New close reason - Proposals (April 2015)

I have been more active in the close queue lately and found myself looking for specific close reasons, or even anything close to them, but not seeing them. I don't know the proper process for ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can the off-topic close reasons be re-arranged?

Now that there's a re-written shopping question close reason, the generic "not relevant to system administration" close reason has moved up. Is it possible to move it back? i.e. so that it's just ...
2 votes
1 answer

clarification on off-topic "management interfaces"

I recently directed a user from StackOverflow to SuperUser, as they were asking a question about how to properly configure their apache-webserver (or more: why their configuration denied access to ...
10 votes
5 answers

What can we do to fix the "Reasonable management practices" close reason?

I don't like it! Let's make it better, because it's weak. What questions are being closed right now with it where it's not conveying what we want it to? Are they "you're on the wrong site", "you're ...
3 votes
2 answers

Minecraft Server Questions--VTC?

I'm honestly confused as to whether I should be VTCing these or not. I'm looking at them and trying to decide if they refer to technology that's useful outside of Minecraft servers or not, and using ...
17 votes
1 answer

Rewriting "minimal understanding"

This current close reason is confusing and potentially misleading. Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Try including attempted solutions, why they didn't ...
19 votes
4 answers

Proposed close reason: Ask your vendor/sysadmin

ChrisS said here that y'all were looking for text for an "ask your vendor" close reason. I'd like to propose: Questioners must have required access to fix the problem. Some questions are more ...
9 votes
1 answer

Please be more careful with your choice of close reason

I refer specifically to this question: Netgear GS724T - all lights are always on - although this is just one specific example, I see this repeatedly day after day on different questions. netgear ...
8 votes
4 answers

Remove "Professional" close-reason

The third close-reason is currently: Questions must be relevant to professional system administration. Server Fault is dedicated to professional system and network administrators. End user and ...
4 votes
1 answer

Should we have a "general reference" close reason?

I've been noticing an influx of questions lately which not only show a total lack of research, but are completely and thoroughly answered in the product documentation. Such questions almost always ...
49 votes
5 answers

ServerFault Fundamentalism

There has been a shift in tone in ServerFault over the last few years. When it started, the focus seemed to be on providing an open resource for professional admins to help figure out problems. Now ...
10 votes
2 answers

Clarifying the "shopping question" close reason

Our custom close reason for shopping questions is confusing. It currently reads: Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they tend to become ...
3 votes
4 answers

Should we be more tolerant of qualitative questions?

It seems to me that "Not Constructive" is being overused... I was thinking about this after having a question of mine closed: What are the benefits of "enterprise-level" virtualization? ...
-1 votes
4 answers

Why were my questions deleted and account suspended?

I was recently blocked from serverfault for 1 month. Apparently for asking questions (gasp). I have asked 5 questions over a period of many months, and all have been closed/deleted (all unfairly in ...
4 votes
5 answers

What to do with the "Hidden features of ..." question collections?

I just spotted this question on the front page, and I think this one and it's siblings listed in there should be closed/locked like their relatives (e.g.. the command line tools on Windows). What do ...
1 vote
2 answers

Wrong link pulled into report when recording an exact duplicate on another SE site

When reporting this question on SF as an exact duplicate of this one over on DBA, the description of question 2868 on SF is pulled through, not the description of question 2868 on The comment ...
27 votes
5 answers

I think we're overdoing "that's not professional" comments

[Most of this post blatantly ripped off from MDMarra's] ... is the question that prompted my post, but this ...
3 votes
1 answer

Duplicate of a locked "historical significance" question?

This question Is being marked as a duplicate of What tool do you use to monitor your servers? The latter question is a locked ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mis-closed question: I am a sys admin, this topic is "on topic", and I did perform research

I was directed to post my request for re-opening of a question from Comms Room here. The following question was closed as off-topic, but it is not off-topic as defined. "Questions must be relevant ...
12 votes
2 answers

Is "the OP figured it out to be caused by something singular" a valid close reason?

The reason I am asking (before flagging the question) DNS issue for internal website routing internet connection from remote location got a comment from the OP The problem is solved. ... Turns ...
-7 votes
2 answers

Moderator deleting my questions

A moderator closed a question of mine as a duplicate despite it not being a duplicate (the circumstances and the question are different, he claimed it was a duplicate of a general FAQ-style question). ...
15 votes
2 answers

Clarifying "Novice questions are off-topic"

One of our close reasons reads as follows: Questions must be relevant to professional system administration. Server Fault is a site dedicated to professionals; novice questions are off-topic. ...
4 votes
4 answers

Is nginx off-topic?

In reviewing today I happened across this question which has been closed as off-topic. The question is a pretty simple one about Nginx modules and administrative control panels, and I'm baffled as to ...
2 votes
1 answer

What's wrong with my question concerning VMware?

My latest question has been closed as off topic. I've read the FAQ and am quite sure my question was both practical and answerable (indeed it was answered and the answer solved the problem). I thought ...
17 votes
3 answers

Serial close-voting?

Is this considered a bad thing? i.e. if someone goes through a specific user's questions and casts a close vote on all (or most) of them? ...'cause I'm pretty sure someone is doing that to "Sandra." ...
14 votes
16 answers

New close reasons - Proposals (July 2013)

As everyone should be aware by now, a new off-topic close dialog has been implemented network-wide. The new system offers us the opportunity to customize our off-topic close reasons, and This post is ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Why isn't SE, Inc. bothering to *explain* all the changes in close vote reasons?

I haven't kept track, but we've only had the new close vote reasons for - I dunno - about a month? And today they've changed again, completely changing off-topic reasons with no explanation, no ...