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MadHatter's user avatar
MadHatter's user avatar
MadHatter's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
30 votes

Do we need a 2013 Election?

16 votes

What information should I include or obfuscate in my posts?

13 votes

Proposed change to Server Fault guidelines

13 votes

What do I do with a question that has become irrelevant?

12 votes

Many old questions getting additional proftpd/vsftpd tags

12 votes

About bad questions, is answering them a way to encourage them?

11 votes

you must have 50 reputation to comment?

10 votes

Should we punish and also close questions with blindingly obvious answers?

9 votes

Is it acceptable to heavily edit my closed question?

9 votes

Marking questions from new users as duplicate without enough knowledge

8 votes

Are we becoming too judgmental about questions relating to "professionalism"?

8 votes

Serverfault mods on a higher horse than stackoverflow (closing questions)

8 votes

My question was marked as a duplicate. How can I object?

7 votes

Is this not the right Stack Exchange site for my question about accessing URLs through their IP address?

7 votes

Moderation Review Request - Apache Question

7 votes

Downvoting allowed in the review queue - can it be allowed on ServerFault

7 votes

Downvotes caused ban on me to ask questions, despite I posed valid question

7 votes

Questions that are flagged for issues relating to "Pricing"

7 votes

Do you have a checklist that can help me ask a better question?

6 votes

Explanation of duplicate

5 votes

Did the free LOPSA memberships ever get sent out?

5 votes

Sure, we like the IDEA of voting, but we are poor in our actions

5 votes

Why do people think questions about cPanel/WHM is the same as questions about cPanel?

4 votes

Reopen Question 25K+ Views, appears to be a valid question, lots of answers

4 votes

Why was this question on remotely wiping deleted?

4 votes

ServerFault Fundamentalism

4 votes

Lack of fairly modern network technology questions

3 votes

Proposed changes to some help pages

3 votes

Is Server Fault the appropriate website to ask about system design questions?

2 votes

Should <2k rep users avoid making small-character edits?