I'm seeing SO MANY questions lately that should be KILLED ON THE SPOT that are simply being moved to SuperUser as a way to get rid of them.
This should not be done. I don't know if people are scared of making the decision to kill a question, or if they want to give it "one more chance" but questions that DON'T BELONG THERE should not be sent there as a way to get rid of them.
This question: https://serverfault.com/questions/164240/why-is-classful-addressing-obsolete-closed should have just been closed as a dupe or off topic or not a real question or something appropriate. It does not belong on SU.
This is the most recent one, but I've seen it happen dozens of times lately. More often actually, maybe because we're starting to get more 10k users.
Personally I don't use SU but I know that this must be pissing them off to no end.