Hello Server Fault people!
I really appreciate this help page entitled Be nice.
I am frequently concerned with manners. The manners of others and my own. I admit, I'm not perfect and I get irritated and such and say things in such a way that I should not sometimes. I also see it a lot from other users on the site too.
My question is, can we follow the rules from the Be nice. page a little more closely? Can we please enforce these rules a little more strictly? I think it could be good for everyone, especially new users that seem to get slammed pretty hard sometimes when they ask their very first questions. It's what they deserve.
It seems to me (maybe I'm wrong) that impolite
or rude
right now is mostly just things like:
- Name calling "You're being a *&%$"
- Harassing
- Other very overt and blatant insults
What bothers me are all the statements that fly under the radar. Things that seem ok to some, but perhaps not to others (especially the recipient). I think "what would I do if I co-worker talked to me like that?" and sometimes the answer is not so good. A co-worker would rarely if ever talk to me like that I think... so there's something wrong here.
- You're in over your head, step away from the computer
- This is bad advice
- You don't know what you're talking about
- You're out of your depth. You don't understand the basics.
Questioning ones personal or professional ability/understanding/intelligence or generally just being rough/harsh with someone to me seems impolite and isn't a "nice" or professional way to talk to someone. Often I find these statements/comments can be reworded easily into a friendly and professional statement.
One section of the above mentioned page is:
Your tone should match the way you'd talk in person with someone you respect and whom you want to respect you.
This is exactly the problem I'm seeing. People are saying things to each other that they would not say in person, especially to a respected co-workers, customer, supervisor, etc... this isn't just a problem with SF, you see it all over the net. I think it's because you're not face to face and there is no repercussions to acting in such a way.
So my question is (including the above)
What does everyone else think? Am I just being a weird stereotypical Canadian obsessed with manners (though I still lose it sometimes too!)? You can answer that, I won't take offense. I understand there are cultural differences.
Should we adhere a little more tightly to the guidance provided by the Be nice. page? Rather than just asking, should we perhaps enforce these "rules" a little bit more strictly and perhaps educate like with other rules (e.g. "Off-topic because...")?
Most importantly - should we all behave like professionals, just as we would in person, dealing with someone that we respect? And should this behaviour be expected of us?
Thank you
Extra question
I wanted to add something... do people agree with the Be Nice
page? There's been some downvotes, and answers that seem to indicate some people disagree with the things I stated. So I'm wondering who wrote that page? What do they think? And should it be changed if we're not going to follow the rules? Or do people think we are following the rules?
I'm not complaining (completely). If I can come on SF and apply the "LART" and what not, it could be fun. I just thought things were different here.