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12 votes

Stack Overflow Inc. changes policy regarding enforcement of AI-Generated posts

Oh dear, the Amazon sized river of shit that is the question feed will now be complimented by a gulf stream of crappy LLM answers. With so few people who actually curate the content here it's no going ...
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k
9 votes

Delete reasons in the Low Quality Posts review queue are alternating

It depends on the reputation level of the person whose answer you're reviewing. If they have too low a reputation to be able to post comments, the first option will be used. If they have enough ...
Jenny D's user avatar
  • 28.3k
7 votes

Stack Overflow Inc. changes policy regarding enforcement of AI-Generated posts

Server Fault exists as a separate entity, among the thousands of SEO-stuffing sites competing for the same keywords, only as long as it is substantially exceeding their ability to curate content. Our ...
anx's user avatar
  • 10.4k
6 votes

Stack Overflow Inc. changes policy regarding enforcement of AI-Generated posts

Fantastic. So they don't give communities autonomy they've had previously on moderation, but rather stick a centralized policy. This is not gonna strengthen the community. It may work out in very ...
vidarlo's user avatar
  • 10.8k
3 votes

"bumped to the homepage by Community" generate mostly noise

Remember that voting in all of it's forms is community oversight. It's not about giving away a PhD, you don't need to solve the halting problem information just needs to be clear and correct/helpful. ...
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible