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10 votes

"You can only post once every 40 minutes." Why do I get this error?

This rate limit applies to users with less than 125 reputation, and all posts made by anyone from the same IP address on any Stack Overflow or Stack Exchange site count toward the limit, even if they ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
9 votes

Delete reasons in the Low Quality Posts review queue are alternating

It depends on the reputation level of the person whose answer you're reviewing. If they have too low a reputation to be able to post comments, the first option will be used. If they have enough ...
Jenny D's user avatar
  • 28.3k
7 votes

This is why this site suffers from a lack of talent

We are a site aiming for professional system administrator. I can easily understand the downvote for that sentence alone; don't downvote me if that concerns you and makes you upset, just be a ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
7 votes

Bug: Code block scroller hides the code

If I'am not mistaking, it's a Chrome/Chromium bug; I got the link from that thread; Cannot dismiss scrollbar in code box, blocks view ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
5 votes

The Meta help pages may contain some copy/paste typos

No. The company name is Stack Overflow. Again. This change hasn’t reached all parts of the network yet, though and on the bottom right of th page you can still read site design / logo © 2018 ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 100k
5 votes

This is why this site suffers from a lack of talent

The site used to have considerable talent but it mostly moved on when it got bored answering basic questions that already have answers here or are easily found elsewhere, reading manuals as a service (...
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k
4 votes

The Help Center contains outdated names and URLs

Now done, all link updated, and corrected the old name of Information Security. Thanks for your report !
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
3 votes

Visual bug with displaing badges

This has been fixed and will go out in the next build. Thanks for pointing it out!
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
3 votes

Can't reject or approve suggested edit

Based on the comments received on this question I believe we can conclude that: The particular suggested edit can for some reason only be reviewed by moderators. There is consensus that the edit ...
kasperd's user avatar
  • 31k
3 votes

Stack Exchange newsletters including ServerFault sent with Stack Overflow email?

Server Fault is part of the Stack Exchange group of websites, the largest of which is Stack Overflow. It's quite normal for email to be sent from Stack Exchange's general mailing system.
Rob Moir's user avatar
  • 32.1k
2 votes

Can't reject or approve suggested edit

That edit suggestion is for an answer to a locked question. Apparently, it was submitted 25 minutes before the question was locked. Only ♦ mods can edit locked questions or answers to them. I ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
1 vote

Join site when trying to upvote

Are you actually signed in with your user account as that is the requirement to vote? Registration is not required to participate on Stack Exchange; you ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 82.5k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible