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18 votes

Can I unvote/remove a downvote or upvote I gave?

You can change the vote for five minutes. After that, the vote can only be removed after the voted-upon question or answer has been edited. This is by design. If you accidentally voted, just click ...
Sven's user avatar
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8 votes

Migrate to Raspberry Pi option?

Not possible without first removing one of the other migrate options. There is a hard limit for the number of sites we can have in the migration list and the SE staff has always refused to add more. ...
Sven's user avatar
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8 votes

Reduce bump activity of the Community Bot

So, I can't change the timing. But I can change the volume. The component of the site that does this runs hourly, and the logic is currently set to bump 2 posts. Here's how I'm changing it: It'll ...
Slate's user avatar
  • 101
6 votes

Answer to own questions

Anyone can ask and answer questions. Self answering is generally encouraged to the point that there is a box to tick when asking a question that allows you to add an answer before the question is ...
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k
6 votes

Should NetworkEngineering be added to the migration close reason?

The problem with adding this as a migration target is that we would need to remove others, as the SE team strictly limits the number of targets and (without having hard numbers at hand) I don't ...
Sven's user avatar
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6 votes

Low effort questions with lack of basic troubleshooting

I have been playing the ServerFault game for almost as long as you have been an IT professional. I have learned that, 'no one who needs to, reads anything'. There are so many questions posted with an ...
user9517's user avatar
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5 votes

Simple Question: are homelab questions are on topic for Serverfault

I know of people whose home-lab is better equipped than the test/lab equipment many of my employers were providing me with. From such people I would expect great questions that are on-topic for ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 82.5k
5 votes

What do you do when you see an outdated question or answer?

In such case I would suggest to post another answer AND to edit the actual accepted answer to write a notice at the answer bottom in a quoting style, something like that; Please know this answer ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
5 votes

adding ipset tag

I've just created the tag ipset.
Sven's user avatar
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5 votes

Edits shouldn't require a minimum number of characters changed

There is nothing that anyone here on ServerFault can do about this*. The 6-character minimum is part of the software used across all SE sites and is unlikely to be changed. Looking on meta.SE (where ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
4 votes

Low effort questions with lack of basic troubleshooting

Our comments and close-voting are the intended feedback avenue for "insufficient troubleshooting." People are quite active with close-votes for this reason, believe me. As for a FAQ list or ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 135k
4 votes

Reduce bump activity of the Community Bot

The numbers on the graph mentioned in the question suggests there are an average of approximately 1.5 questions asked per hour. As community bumps 2 questions per hour there will on average always be ...
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k
4 votes

Privacy issue, links for sharing questions, answers contains user ID

The way the "Share" links work is system-wide, so this request would have to be raised on the main Meta site, and there are already questions about it there. The most relevant post about ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
4 votes

Please reinstate "must know what you are talking about" close reason

5 custom close reasons is the max allowed. Although some of the current reasons overlap a bit, they all come up often enough that I wouldn't choose to get rid of them. I think the "Questions ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
4 votes

Questions with accepted answers should stand out more

When the UI got updated in the past, it was reported as a bug and never fixed. A side note on mobile the UI is the same for all site, as such the color are better suited for question with accepted ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
4 votes

Request adding Raspberry Pi stack to off topic site list

As the volume of RPi question is low please flag for a migration if you think it's worth a migration. Our other close destinations are more used and in my own opinion are more related to ServerFault ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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3 votes

How about creating a tag for Powershell JEA (Just Enough Administration)?

I've created the tag powershell-jea by adding it to this question. If you have enough reputation for this, feel free to propose edits to the tag wiki.
Sven's user avatar
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3 votes

Please reinstate "must know what you are talking about" close reason

Sadly, I don't think this is going to fly as it will hurt people's feelings which goes against company policy. Your best bet it to roll your own by choosing Close -> A community-specific reason -&...
user9517's user avatar
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1 vote

Reduce bump activity of the Community Bot

If there weren't so many "unanswered" questions, there wouldn't be so many to bump. I happen to have just looked at this recently bumped item a couple of minutes ago: performing a remote ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
1 vote

Rename and add tag synonym for [tag:windows-subsystem-linux] like the remaining stackexchange sites

I don't see a problem to rename the tag. It's more logic to rename it to the real name. It's done.
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible